Saturday, September 21, 2024

More Fun!

 We had a crazy week, and I have heard that we can blame it on the Moon, so I'm going with that. :)  Even with all the chaos, we manage to have so much fun and love and learn each day.  This class takes a lot of energy, but they are all sooooo darn sweet and we love them dearly.  

We were busy this week working on the letters in our first letter cycle and continue practicing writing our names. This week, we practiced B, C, A, and H.  Name writing is a skill that brings each child so much confidence, so we practice daily and you can practice at home by making it fun with shaving cream in the bathtub, shaving cream on baking sheets, sidewalk chalk, etc. The goal is to not make name writing a chore, but a fun activity that your child enjoys.  If your child shows frustration or no motivation, just wait for another time.  I always strive to make learning fun!

We will be starting some state assessments this week.  If your child mentions that they got to play a game with a teacher alone, this is what they are talking about.  The children LOVE being assessed one on one and actually beg to do it each day after their assessment is completed. ;)

Book Orders-

We love book orders, and I will be sending our first one home with your child on Monday.  Please use the QR code on the front of the book order to join our classroom.  You can find our class with our class code- P6Y9X or simply using our zip code 50124.  Look for Ms. Hollie's Preschool.  Each order gives our classroom points for new books  :)

Have all the orders completed by September 27th.  Thank you!


October 1st- Eye exams

If you have not brought in your eye exam consent form, please bring that in as soon as you are able.  The Lion's Club cannot offer an exam if you don't have the form filled out and sent back to school. Thank you!

October 30th- School Pictures-

 Pictures will be outdoors and first thing in the morning on the 30th.  Our photographer does an amazing job with the children, and we always have fun!  

Check out all the fun balancing we are doing in our classroom!

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