Friday, January 13, 2023

Winter Fun!

 We have had so much fun being back together again.  Kelly and I missed your children and you so much and the joy that your children radiate all morning long at preschool.  

We have been busy learning about all things winter, but are finding the most enjoyment in talking about the animals around us in the winter.  We have learned about hibernation, migration and adaptation(nothing is sweeter than hearing the class say "adaptation" in unison) and have had so many questions and discoveries each day.   If winter is going to stay, we would really like some more snow so we could investigate animal tracks in our yard and in the pasture, but for now, we will look for scat to see what animals are adapting to the cold winter months.  :)

Please remember that it is VERY muddy in our yard and pasture during this crazy weather.  Snow pants are nice, even if it's not super cold or snowy, as they keep our clothes from being covered in mud.  

Please take time at home to practice getting all your snow gear on.  So many of us have been practicing and are ready to go right away.  Home is also a great time to practice unpacking and packing up your child's folder.  These are all skills they will need next year as they transition to less teacher support.  :( I don't want to think about them leaving us, but it is going to go by so fast now.  

Next week is going to be a little off with no school on Monday, but I think we could all use a bit of rest time after a week of playing hard with friends at school.  

Enjoy your weekend and we will see you all on TUESDAY!  

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