Thursday, October 6, 2022

Time is going FAST!

 How is it October and I never even know what day it is anymore?  It has been a wild week to say the least, but God is always faithful and He loves us so much.  Thank you for the prayers and understanding as our family took time to love our neighbor like Jesus loves us.  

We are still having fun exploring water and discovering the beauties of fall.  We took a wonderful walk to the woods today and watched the leaves fall as we sang songs and just embraced the beauty that God has given us.  I love this time of year, but also get so sad to think of no more shorts, tank tops and sweaty walks with the dogs.  :(  

We talked about the word chlorophyl today while on our walk...some listened and some didn't and that's okay...the earth was calling many of them to ignore the boring teacher and look around at the creations.  

We had our first visit of the year from our Huxley librarian, Ms. May, and we listened to three stories, sang songs, and had fun using our imaginations.  Ms. May will come to visit us every month.  

Important Dates-

October 10th- NO SCHOOL PD DAY

October 31st- Halloween Party- Parents are welcome to come hang out for the morning and I will have a sign up for healthy snacks, napkins, plates and drinks next week.  Your child can wear their costume to school if they would like to, but it's okay if they don't like costumes.  

If you forgot to bring in your picture form, please bring it on Tuesday.  Kim will accept late orders.

If you still need to get me medical forms, please get those to me by Tuesday. 

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.   

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