Thursday, September 15, 2022

Smiles, Giggles and New Friends

 What a beautiful week at preschool, both inside and outside.  We are continuing to work on social emotional skills and how to be a good friend and spread kindness and forgiveness like Jesus.  We are simply blown away by the kindness and love this class has for us and their classmates, it is so beautiful.  We have loved getting to know the children and parents this week and can't wait to grow even closer as the year goes on.  The best is yet to come.  :)

We will continue to work on social emotional skills, shapes, name writing and begin our alphabet learning next week.  We do not learn the alphabet in alphabetical order, as research continues to show that this is not the most beneficial to our students.  Here is an article on the method that we use.  

Look at table two for a quick summary of the order we teach.  

Enjoy the weekend with your family and friends.  

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