Thursday, January 6, 2022

January Fun!

 We started back with so many excited students and we could not have been happier to see their embraces and receive the embraces.  I always am nervous to come back after break, but seeing the faces of your sweet children brings me more joy than I can express.

The cold weather has us excited to learn about animals outside that are adapting to the weather and has brought up some discussion about which ones have migrated and are hibernating.  We hope to go on a nature hike soon to investigate prints in the snow and maybe some scat to identify which animals are braving the cold in Huxley Iowa.  :). The past few cold days have us misbehaving and a bit stir crazy...Ms. Kelly and Ms. Hollie are feeling the same way.  Yoga and dancing are also good for the soul, but nothing beats the outdoors.  If I wouldn't get in big trouble by the state for being outside, we would run around a bit to at least burn off some energy and breath the fresh air.  I still think about how I managed to keep the preschool kiddos outdoors full time last year to avoid the constant mask wearing and spread of germs...we were tough and it was amazing!  I also was at the point that I didn't care about breaking rules.  ;)  We definatley learned to adapt.  

We are all getting better at getting our snow gear on,  but it does take us a looooong time to get ready.  A few of us take about 2 minutes and others take 20 minutes.   The ones that are ready first get to go outside so they don't have to wait, so hopefully that will motivate the rest of us.  I told the kiddos that if they are bored at home, practice getting their gear on, running outside and then coming right back in.  :)  We have a friend this year and I have had several in the past that have actual snowsuits and they are so amazing for young children.  If you happen to come across one, I encourage you to pick it up if that is possible for your family.  I know that Lands End and  H&M have them.   If not, just keep practicing.  I encouraged them that they will get better each day.  :)

Thank you all so much for the wonderful Christmas gifts!  Kelly and I truly feel blessed by your love and generosity.  You are all the best and we could not ask for more amazing parents to work with.  Please know that you can reach out anytime you have any concerns or thoughts to share with us.  We are a team and your children mean so very much to us.  

Things to talk to you child about-

Temperature for freezing to happen(ask about the water experiment we did at school)

What does adaptation, migration and hibernation mean

What animals have we seen at school that we know are adapting 

What do animals do to adapt

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