Sitting at home tonight with the snow blowing and thanking Jesus for the best gift ever...your children. This time of year is such a great reminder of how important it is to enjoy the little things in life and slow down to experience Christmas through our children. Yes, they are consumed by the gifts, Santa, the elves, the lights, but they know that Jesus is the reason and we hear them worship Him each day. We sing praises to Him and talk about how fun it is to rejoice the birth of Him through all the fun we get to have together.
Today was busy! We started the day by getting our ticket to ride on the Polar Express "train", drink hot cocoa and read The Polar Express. We listened to our silver bells ring that were attached to their tickets...we all believe. :)
After taking some time to play, we read the story of The Gingerbread Man(the book was actually my dad's when he was a little boy, which makes it even more special) and I told them that we were going to eat our gingerbread cookie and not let him get away. After getting to mix up and put our gingerbread man in the oven, we went back downstairs to play. To our surprise, when the timer went off and it was time to take our gingerbread man out, he was GONE! The hunt began all through my house where the gingerbread man left us clues. Oh, the excitement was such a gift. Kelly and I both enjoyed every moment of the magic. Thank goodness my mom steps in to put up all the notes and make sure to move the gingerbread man. It is all such a process, but worth all the effort. I guess the magic Christmas sprinkles that I used, really worked.
Monday will be our last day of preschool until after break.
Tuesday, we will meet at Grace E Free Church in Huxley at 9:00 for our rehearsal and you will take your child home at 10:00.
Tuesday evening, have your child to the church at 5:45. Our program will begin at 6:00 and is delightful, but very short. You won't want your family to miss it. The joy of Christmas and the gift of Jesus will be celebrated in our very special program.
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