Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fall and Halloween

We are on the mend and ready to celebrate!  We are thanking Jesus for more nice weather to allow us to play outside for longer periods of time.  

We are still enjoying making new discoveries with water and enjoying our time at the water table getting wet and laughing together.  We apologize for the wet sleeves, they never seem to stay up and some of us think the water table is a place to take a bath.  ;). It has been great to watch the students work together to make water flow in different ways.  

Today I brought our our household drill and some screws(per request of our classmate, Zeke, and we had a blast.  Several students gave it a try and many started off going way to fast, but all of them learned about control and were successful in drilling a screw into some logs outdoors.  Please remind your child that drills are to only be used with an adult.  Of course, I told them this, but kids will be kids.  I don't want any of you to end up with holes in your walls.  ;). Kelly and I thought it would be a wonderful project study to focus on construction, as this class loves to build together.  We will see where their  excitement leads us, but we think it could be pretty amazing!  Two of the students already came up with a business name and plan on building me a new barn.  I'm so excited to get more animals with a bigger barn.  HA!!!

Remember that we will have our Halloween party/Fall party on Monday.  Your student should arrive in their costumes and parents are welcome to attend.  I would love to say that everyone can bring siblings, but I think we may all lose our minds.  It gets pretty crazy with just our class, adding more is a nightmare.  

Please enjoy your weekend with your families and we will be ready to celebrate with all of you on Monday. 

Meow is always in on the action. 

Prim loves singing songs to Emmy and Emmy loves the attention and love.  I can watch her relax when she hears a sweet little voice next to her.  Thanks, Prim!

G and Z Construction at your service. 

Gavin is a pro!

Sorting nature by color. 

Reading together.  I hope you all were able to hear your child read at home.  

Watching a baking show. 


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