Saturday, March 27, 2021

Week of March 21: Spring, Ramps, and School Picture Details!

 Hello Parents!

We have been busy continuing our color study which led to a study on rainbows and how God's promises are so good and always true! We also began to study SPRING. Some of our preschool friends were even brave enough to help rescue several earth worms from the pavement and so naturally we decided to start studying worms more in-depth soon as well. 

We got to break out one of the STEM kits called "Ron's Ramp" this past week and the kids were DELIGHTED to experiment with slope as we hypothesized and even graphed our work! Ask your child who Ron is and what he likes to ride down his ramp! You can also ask your child what Ron wore on his head to protect him from any accidents!

We are excited to announce that we will be having PICTURE DAY! If your child attends the M/W class, they will do pictures on May 12 at the beginning of class. If your child attends the T/Th class, we will do pictures on May 13. If we have rainy weather, we will just push the dates back to the following Monday/Tuesday).

We are continuing to plan for May 28 to be our Graduation Day....unless you would let us just keep your kids forever. ;) We will plan to do a Graduation Drive-Thru Celebration on May 28 from 12p-1p in the circle driveway. You can come anytime between that window of time. 

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Hollie & Ms. Sam

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