Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Class and New Adventures

 Through each challenge in life, God brings out more creativity, flexibility, strength and courage.  I would be lying if I said that the first week of school was was actually pretty brutal and I wanted to give up.  I didn't like my students being inside with masks, social distancing and constantly sanitizing everything like they were all little germs instead of precious gifts from God.  It felt wrong, raw, ugly, scary and I was faking every smile underneath my mask. I had not been in the classroom for a looooong time and this was not what I wanted it to look like when we returned.   The students played, but I did not see joy like I usually do when teaching.  So, God chose to start our year off with some pretty yucky weather and a leaky roof in our outdoor classroom space to just make us stronger.  I felt weak and I am still exhausted mentally from this new challenge, but I am even more thankful than ever for the sunshine, warm weather and dry animals to love on and help to teach the students about compassion for animals, plants, insects, wiggly worms and how to embrace the beautiful world around us.  These students are in FULL JOY mode now and it is making my heart explode and I even shed a few tears today thinking about that joy and how sweet they all are.  They are all so unique and I adore them for their uniqueness.  Praise Jesus!  

We love our preschool at The Big Red Barn...God is all over this place and keeps encouraging me to move forward to show the world that we can do this thing called Nature-Based preschool.  All we really need is Jesus and our daily devotions have been spot on for our circumstances lately.  I have been blessed with an amazing assistant teacher, Ms. Sam, who keeps me calm and encourages me along the way.   She loves kiddos big time and Jesus the most!  

Please continue to pray for our schools, teachers and families as we navigate teaching, loving and embracing childhood.  

Enjoy your weekend.  I will be spending another weekend at the race track embracing the passion that my family has for racing dirt bikes.  God is good and I will glorify Him!  


Give God the Glory Glory!

Our outdoor classroom still needs siding and some work, but it is good for now.  :)

Leading us on the dirt bike track. 

Making "Chicken Pot Pie".  

They made the balance beam into a bus and started singing, "The Wheels on the Bus."  Creative group of kiddos. 

Goat yoga anyone?

Perfect use for all the old dirt bike tires.  

Our preschool goat, Flynn.

Run free my little loves. 


Hard at work.  Clipboards are working great for outdoor work. 

Flynn becomes part of our social story. 

Meow is always with us, no matter where we venture off to.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun and lots of memories being made! Thanks for sharing all the photos and for loving our kiddo so well!
