We are so excited for our Friendsgiving Feast tomorrow at preschool and to discuss all the things we are thankful for. I know that I am so very thankful for my beautiful preschoolers and their families. I am filled with joy when I think about each and every child in our classroom.
After preschool, I will have my last few conferences and then we will officially be on Thanksgiving break. I hope you all have a blessed holiday with your families.
When we return from break, we will continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus and all the fun festivities that take place for the celebration. We can't wait! It's a very busy time and it's overwhelming, but also so wonderful.
Thanksgiving Break- 26th-28th
December 9th- Gingerbread Houses
December 16th- Polar Express Day and Baking a Gingerbread Man
December 17th- Christmas Program at The Milford Schoolhouse at 6:30 (Please have your child at Milford at 6:15 to get into costume).
December 18th- January 6th- Christmas Break
Tape makes everything more fun!
Amazing teamwork with this class.
So much writing starting to happen!
The goats are soaking up the attention.
Turkey crafting.
Yoga on a rainy day.
Safety first while on the balancing steps.
Roll a Turkey helped us with our number recognition.
Checking out the beehive.
These boys are always hot. ;)
Punkin getting lots of attention.
Little teachers.