Monday, April 1, 2024

Bring on Spring!

 We are bursting with excitement around here and the weather has been up and down for too long.  We are ready for running around without snow gear and taking in the beauty of Spring.  Our project study around chicks and ducks will continue to expand with all the oviparous beauties that are hatching all over right now. 

April is going to get very busy, so please continue to ask questions if I forget something and check your emails often.  

Conferences are April 23rd and 24th with no school on April 25th.

 Last Day of Preschool-May 15th

Graduation-May 16th (No regular preschool class)

We are truly soaking up these last couple months before we have to watch your children spread their wings and take on new adventures and challenges.  It is truly amazing how we can easily see the shift in them and how ready they are for Kindergarten.  For now, we give them all the love and guidance we can and pray that we have made a positive impact on their love for learning and exploring.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Spring Is In the Air!

 We are loving this weather now that the cold has decided to take a hike again.  Our little outdoor lovers NEED to be outside soaking it all in and they are creating such amazing memories and learning so much through trial and error and exploration.  I am amazed daily at what they are creating with our beautiful preschool fort.  I am happy to announce that today they added some plumbing to wash their hands.  ;)  I love the lessons that they teach me about observing and not interfering or redirecting them.   They are each such a gift.  

We are still continuing out unit study on building and have learned a lot about a solid foundation when building inside and outside.  We still continue to find ways to keep our fort from falling over and we love watching their brains work and their determination to keep trying.  These sweet children inspire us daily. 

We made it through our last classroom holiday party and I can't say that I am very sad about it.  I prefer your children with less sugar and environmental stimulation.  ;) 

I think now is a good time to bring the rubber chore boots back and rubber suits if you prefer. ;)  No matter what, your children always gravitate towards the mud...everything is more fun when it's wet and muddy. 




Spring Break- March 11-18th  (Our flight comes in super late on the 16th and just in case things change, I want to play it safe)  School will be back in session on Tuesday, March 19th.


Graduation Date and location coming SOON!

Enjoy a look inside at our crazy adventures!